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Domestic violence amid COVID‐19

This manuscript highlights the risk that shelter‐in‐place instructions during COVID‐19 places on victims of domestic violence and serves as a call‐to‐action to address this crisis. In the midst of the COVID‐19 pandemic, “stay at home” has become the mantra of governments and public health organizations alike. But for victims of domestic violence, home is often not a place of safety. Staying at home not only places survivors of domestic violence at risk for further violence, but also isolates them from networks of support.


Spotlight on child abuse and neglect response in the time of COVID-19

Despite evidence that the incidence of child abuse and neglect has substantially increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, in the initial stages of lockdown, several states reported double-digit percentage decreases in reports to child maltreatment hotlines. These reductions do not reflect decreased incidences of child maltreatment, but unfortunately are a direct result of the precipitous decrease in contact between children, educational personnel, and other community youth programmes.